You really can't go wrong with our offer. It doesn't matter if you believe that the world as we know it will end on the 21st of December or not, we are covering all the bases. See the proofs below:
Hypothesis #1 – You believe in it, and bad luck for all of us, you are right.
=> In this case, what can be a better way for an avid beader to spend the last days than shopping for beads, pendants and cabs.
Hypothesis #2 – You believe in it, but we are all lucky and on the 22nd of December we discover that you were wrong
=> What can help more with getting relief after such stress of waiting for the end the world than the knowledge that you'll have great beads/pendants/cabochons that you got at great prices to play with while eating all this canned food.
Hypothesis #3 – You don't believe in it, but unfortunately the rumors are proved in a really nasty way on the 21st of December
=> It's really hard to figure something positive in this case, but well, at least you'll know that you didn't make the last week harder by too much thinking, fearing and useless preparation. Shopping jewelry components with a great discount is a great way to turn the week which is supposed to be an ordinary Holiday week into a great one, to add some excitement to your everyday routine
Hypothesis #4 – You don't trust the Mayans, and it looks like for the first time in your life you are right (That's our favorite Hypothesis)
=> Shopping in such a week, and sharing with all the Doom's day believers your great finds is a really nice way to make your faith in the future stronger. What can be better proof than spending money on stuff that is supposed to be delivered after the 21st of December? This way on the 22nd you'll have a really good reason to say to all the believers - “See you all, I was right!”
Hypothesis #5 - This one is up to you, share with us your thoughts in the comments section, we'll post them here and on Facebook, then all people that submitted their own Hypothesis will participate in a drawing for $20 voucher for shopping from our website. No purchase required to get advantage of this option.
Have fun!
Vlad & Kremena